The initial start-up was not easy. We were practically giving the gun holsters away just to get some movement going. It seemed like we knocked on every gun shopʼs door within our reach. We also started to sell on eBay. After a long while, it seemed like things got rolling and we were gaining momentum.

With another child on the way, we ended up moving to a bigger home. We felt like we had hit the “Big Times” because we now had a 2 car garage we could work out of and it was way more than double the space we had before.

Continuing to try to get some serious traction, we started a website. We also hit the internet to find influencers on Social Media platforms. By the year's end, we were working with influencers such as Cory Nʼ Erika, FPS Russia and Instructor Zero. Our orders were growing and so was our company.

Having Law Enforcement Agencies dropping by the house to see our operation is not the best way to brand our business but I was surprised how welcoming they were to us. They were also astonished how we were running such a successful business out of a garage.

After almost 2 years in the garage, we finally moved to an actual building. Although it was not a manufacturing facility we were determined to make it one. Things really took off for us. We were growing by over 100% within months. Our outreach on Social Media was getting better and our influencers were paying off. Our goal from this point on was to make sure everyone had a Bravo Concealment Holster in their hands.

Bravo was becoming a massive entity with many responsibilities. This was taking a toll on me and my wife because I still had my prior job. With much thinking and prayers, my wife and I decided that the best thing for Bravo was to leave my existing job and run Bravo with all of my efforts. This was one, if not the scariest decisions Iʼve had to make in my life. I was always a hard worker with nothing but “providing for my family” in mind. To leave such a good paying job and take a gamble on Bravo and my role as a husband and provider was not for the faintest of hearts. What got me through was the fact that my wife believed in me 100% and that my prayers were answered. I was committed to Bravo 100%.

Things got scary again when we realized that our method of manufacturing our holsters was not effective anymore. Our orders were coming in way faster than our method allows us to make them. Our maximum output was not sufficient and we were losing money. There were only 2 answers; charge more for our products or change the way we manufacture the product. It was either stay the course and end up broke within 1 year or invest in Bravo for the future. We decided to go with the latter and boy, are we glad we did. We brought in new machinery and methods in order to keep up with demands. It was NOT easy. I had no prior experience with CNC machines or CAD design but I knew one thing, We can learn it!

Knowing that we would need more room for the CNC machines and our own CAD department we started looking for a new home for Bravo. We found our current building and started the madness behind our proprietary process. It took us over a year and countless hours and caffeine to tweak and fix the new way to build holsters. We did it and we cut our production time dramatically. We were now able to fulfill our orders. But not for long.

Our new proprietary process was great but we we continued to grow leaps and bounds above others. After a couple of years we found ourselves in the same boat. We just couldn’t keep up with demand. Growth is awesome BUT, you have to be ready for it and be willing to make changes. We realized that the only way to keep up with demand and make the BEST possible holster on the market was to go injection mold. And we did.

The process was long and very pricey but we prevailed! Our holsters are better than ever and our process has allowed us to cut cost and be very competitive in the retail world. We have injection mold machines running everyday and our maximum output is amazing. We can now fulfill large purchase orders within days. Our main goal still remains, to make sure everyone had a Bravo Concealment Holster in their hands, and we believe that Retail is the answer.

We are now a large operating facility with high-end technology, hardware, and software. Weʼve always taken great pride in making great products and providing them to customers at a reasonable price. All while continuing to innovate and deliver great customer service.

We owe it all to our customers who have believed in us since the beginning and also to our hard-working employees. Never in my wildest dreams would I have though that I would be leading the BEST company with the BEST employees and the BEST customers on planet earth. We give honor where honor is due. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

All the Glory to God

Rene Aguirre - Owner

Our Goal

Our goal is to make great, concealable, and comfortable gun holsters at a great price.

We are always focused on creating a better manufacturing process and delivering the best customer service. As our business has grown, we've received a great deal of positive feedback from our customers.

“They have a great product at a great price with great customer service.”

Saul C. (customer)

Our Products

Our holsters have been recognized by law enforcement agencies, military personnel, and law abiding citizens. We take pride in producing the best IWB and OWB concealment holsters on the market, and we will continue to innovate to stay ahead of the competition.

We also provide FREE shipping on all orders with a 30-day money back guarantee AND an unlimited lifetime warranty.

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