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Why Dry Fire Training Matters

I'll be the first to tell you that I don't do anywhere as much dry fire or dry fire drills practice as I should. However, when I do I can see a difference in how I acquire my sights. Sight acquisition is secondary to concealed carry skills. If you can't dedicate yourself to spending time on the range working on clearing your cover garment so as to master a consistent draw, you might as well pack it up. Training pistols, snap caps, and laser training tools won't do you any good if you don't know the basics of how to present a pistol from concealment and find your sights. Shooting targets at the range is the bare minimum skill level you should practice. If at all possible you should consider getting outside to an open area where you can set up a couple of targets and move around. No one wins a fight standing still. But before you do any of that you can practice dry fire techniques from cover, concealment, and with movement from the privacy of your home.

Tier 1 Citizen exclusively uses Bravo Concealment Holsters. There is no substitute for excellence.

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Abner Miranda

~Abner Miranda is a former Police Officer, an FBI trained Hostage Negotiator, a First Responder, and Spanish Interpreter. He is currently a Firearms Instructor, an Armorer, and a regular contributor to our industry of both written and digital media. 

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  • Excellent training video!! Thank you for sharing.

    Tony Jul 25, 2019
  • Awesome drill, learn a lot from you in this video. Keep them coming.
    Thank You 😊

    Gary T Ryan Jul 11, 2019

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