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You Need Far Less Tactical Gear Than You Think

Before you run out to buy the latest and greatest piece of gear recommended to you by the "experts," watch this video by Abner Miranda. The reality is that a good handgun, plenty of ammunition, and steady training will get you just as far (or farther) than endless gear and accessories. Stick to the basics, and enjoy expanding your gun handling skills without hurting your wallet.

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  • Mr. Miranda,thank you so much for those words of sobriety. Too many people are more concerned about the style(overtactical),rather than the substance(learning the basics). I’ve learned that style comes out of substance. It applies to everything. As a former amateur boxer,I learned how throw a jab,a right cross,a left hook,before putting it all together,ultimately becoming a stylish,technically sound boxer/puncher. Thanks once again. I look forward to more videos.

    Anthony G. Noel Mar 23, 2023

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