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What You NEED To Know About The BCA Gun Holster!

Here are some facts about the most popular OWB Kydex Gun Holster! The BCA Gun Holster has been the standard in our line of Holsters for OWB and it continues to please customers on a daily basis. Here is what you need to know about it. Enjoy AND PLEASE WATCH THE OUTTAKES AT THE END OF THE VIDEO!!!



Hey, guys, I wanted to take some time and show you real quick some of the features of our BCA gun holster. This is our BCA gun holster. It's made for outside the waistband carry. And BCA stands for Bravo Concealment Adaptive gun holster. And it is adaptive, and I'll show you right now in a minute what I mean by that.
This is the front side of the BCA gun holster. And obviously, it goes up against your body. Now, it's a pancake style holster. And a pancake style means that it's a wide holster with the belt loops being set away from the gun itself. So that allows this gun holster to sit very close to your body, guys. If you look at the belt loops right there, the belt goes through here, and the belt basically is just riding up against the gun holster itself. 
So as you can see, the gun is pretty much right up against your belt. Now, this gun holster, this BCA gun holster...gun is not loaded. This BCA gun holster is made with kydex it's a thermoforming plastic, and it is a 0.080 thickness. It's made with two sheets, that's why you can see that it's riveted together. But it's two sheets of 0.08 kydex, 0.08 is the thickness of the kydex. It's not even a tenth of an inch thick, it's a 0.08 of an inch thick. That's pretty much all you're adding is basically just 0.08 inches to both sides. And so when I say that it sits close to your body, it really does, guys. 
And so kydex is a very strong plastic. It is a thermoforming plastic, but it's very super lightweight, and it's a very strong plastic. I've spoken about kydex on another video that I have where I'm talking about our inside the waistband gun holster, which is our torsion gun holster. If you've ever been inside of a plane, the fuselage, it's kydex. So that's basically what kydex is, guys, lightweight, durable, thermoforming plastic. 
The gun holster, let's get back to the gun holster. The gun holster again, it sits real close to the body. And as you can see, it's got like a natural curve to it. And that obviously, so that, you know, it can pretty much sit on your waistline, and pretty much curve around. And that also creates the concealment that it needs. These gun holsters are great for concealment, guys. 
If you follow me on Snapchat, if you follow me on Instagram story, you'll see that I'm always carrying inside waistband. I'm used to carrying inside the waistband, but this, guys, if you can't carry inside the waistband, this is the way to go. Awesome gun holsters, great for concealment. Right now, I'm showing it for a VP9SK. That's what this gun is. And you can hear the pop. So it's got a positive click, positive pop. I mean, you can hear it. That keeps it from coming out. So the retention is set through friction. It's a friction retention that's set on the trigger guard. 
The backside of the holster shows the two belt loops where the belt goes through. It's got a sweat guard, so that it can keep most of the gun away from your body as far as it coming up against you and touching you. If you're going under the shirt, if you're concealing, this because I know there' know, some states out there that allow you to open carry, Texas is one of them, you can open carry in Texas, this is a great gun holster because it keeps the gun very close to your body, guys. It's super close to your body. I mean, it's to a point where it almost becomes you. And that's why it's so comfortable. 
A lot of people say, "Man, how do you get the outside the waistband BCA gun holster so comfortable?" Because it's up against your body nice and tight. Now, not tight to where it's uncomfortable, not that kind of tight. The gun holster sits so close to the body that it almost becomes a part of you. Guys, I'm not kidding. Go to our website. Go check out our testimonials. Go to any outside the waistband gun holster, you're gonna see testimonials, you're gonna see people talking about this. That's what makes it comfortable, the fact that it almost becomes you. 
You got to try it, guys. We got 30-day money-back guarantee. Go try it out for 30 days. If you don't like it, send it back to us for a full refund. It's an awesome, comfortable gun holster. It practically disappears. You don't even feel it because it's just so close to you, it becomes you. 
Here in Texas, it's legal to open carry. You just gotta check your state laws. These are great for open carry because, again, they're so close to the body, super close to the body. A lot of people think, "What if the bad guy goes and takes it from you?" Okay, I get that. Chances of that happening are like almost zero. But fine, if that's a concern of yours, this sits super close and tight to the body. So it's kind of like trying to pull the wallet out of your back pocket. It's gonna be difficult. 
We try to make it to where your hand doesn't come in contact with any unnecessary kydex on the backside. So it's basically my middle finger, it's right up against the trigger guard in the bottom. And there really is no contact other than that. Of course, your thumb, it may come in contact with the sweat guard, but that's no big deal. And it's just a clean smooth draw, guys. 
All holsters are made for that specific weapon type. So the gun holster is gonna look like that gun because it's just made for that. You can't stick another gun inside this gun holster, it's not gonna work. If it's made for the VP9SK, it's only gonna fit the VP9SK. And then just depending on the caliber, depending on the guns and the manufacturers, if it's made for a nine, it's only gonna fit a nine. Now, again, a Glock 19, a Glock 23, one's a 9, one's a 40, those fit because the gun doesn't change. But I know with a VP9 and the VP40, they do change the VP40, so the VP40 will not fit in the VP9 gun holster. 
They all come standard with a threaded barrel. They all come standard with tall suppressor sights. So if you're running an RMR and you're running tall suppressor sights because you want your red dot to co-witness with your sights, then that's not an issue at all. 
If you have any questions, guys, I know that a lot of these terms, especially if you're a beginner or you just got a handgun, and you wanna start concealing, some of these terms, you may not understand, guys, please pick up the phone and call us. That's what we're here for. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you with any questions that you have. If you see a term on our website, we try to be as clear as we can with our terms. But, hey, I get it, guys, a lot of you are barely coming into this world and you don't understand certain things. You don't understand what IWB stands for or OWB, or appendix carry, please pick up the phone and call us, or you can just chat with us. There's a chat logo at the bottom-right corner on our website. You can chat with us. 
Listen to me, there's no stupid questions. If you have a question and it's a concern, then we wanna hear about it. If it concerns you, it'll concern us. I know that this niche can be a little vain, I get that, I understand that, but that's not who we are, guys, we're here to help you. It doesn't matter what level you are, if you're commando, Special Forces, whatever, or if you're just the guy that just bought his first gun ever yesterday, we're here to help, guys. So make sure you pick up the phone and call us if you have any questions or shoot us an email. 
That's pretty much it with a BCA. It's a simple gun holster, guys, nothing crazy about it. Can't turn it into a flotation device or anything like that. One of the ways that it can be adaptive is these belt loops, you can shift them up or down. And so it'll create a different cant angle. So the hardest thing to conceal when you're concealed carrying is the grip of the gun. That's the hardest thing. So, you know, you may wanna go with a more aggressive cant, and what that does, it'll shift the grip and it will hide it against your body, and so it conceals a lot better. Or you can go out a negative cant, if you're gonna go out to the range and, you know, you really want to work on your drawing time, and you wanna get faster, then you can always go a negative cant so it can be just a straight drop. So it's adaptable that way.
And the other way is, you can also take this gun holster, take off these belt loops, and put belt clips on the front, and it'll turn into an inside the waistband gun holster. And so you can carry this probably not appendix because the signature's, you know, it's wider than our torsion gun holster than our inside the waistband gun holsters. If you wanna go appendix, check out the torsion gun holster, which is not specifically made to be appendix, it can be worn anywhere. Our inside the waistband gun holsters can be worn anywhere. I like to wear it appendix, and I think that's why people think that it's just an appendix gun holster. No, it's not. It can be worn anywhere. I wear it at the four o'clock, five o'clock position when I go to church, when I'm wearing a jacket, I always wear it there. If I can, especially in the summer days, I go appendix. 
So getting back to the BCA, you can put inside the waistband belt clips for the BCA, they're on our website. You'll see the belt clips, and you need to choose BCA belt clips. And you can put the belt clips here. I don't have any with me, I'm sorry. But basically, they just bolt on here and you can go inside the waistband. This would be great for a three, four, or five o'clock position inside the waistband gun holster. 
Again, pretty much it for the BCA gun holster, simple, lightweight, tough, durable, 30-day money back guarantee, unlimited lifetime warranty on this gun holster, unlimited lifetime warranty, guys. And we got free shipping on everything, guys, so we're taking all the risk. Go check it out, guys. I'm telling you, no one's doing this for you. No one's doing this for you, guys. Great gun holsters, great prices, we got great customer service, we've got 30-day money back guarantee, free shipping, and unlimited lifetime warranty. Man, look at that, she's a beaut, man, beautiful gun holsters. Go check them out at Thanks for watching. 
Strong, thick, you're not gonna wanna run...dude, I cannot. I'm not gonna start all over. I'm not gonna start all over. You start all over again, that's kind of dumb. You gotta try it, guys. Guys. The holster allows for a great...The holster allows for complete grip. The gun, which has been...basically, it's been...Let me say that again. Dude, I'm not flowing at all. I'm sorry, you're gonna have to chop this up. That can create levels of uncomfort...Levels of uncomfort? What? Are you kidding me? What is it, dude? I'm on stupid mode right now. All right.


Rene Aguirre

Rene Aguirre is the founder and owner of Bravo Concealment. Rene has been carrying concealed on a daily basis for over 8 years and has been a CHL (concealed handgun license) holder for more than 20 years. Finding a high interest in firearms for many years, Rene started Bravo because of the “lack of” a good concealed carry holster on the market.

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  • I just have to say , your holsters are quality ! I have a Glock 43 for uniform carry , would it be possible to special order a BCA with a thumb break for added security ?

    Keith Apr 29, 2018
  • I just received my IWB for my Walther PPS M2.

    I don’t like that it rides so high.

    Michael Apr 28, 2018

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