Working From Cover


Working From Cover by Abner Miranda

Last year there was an incident in Dallas, TX where a Police Officer had taken cover at a pillar in front of a building and was trading shots with the bad guy. He made the fatal mistake of searching for his threat on the same side of the pillar where he'd seen him last. Having been a police officer, I can tell you, as fact, that I was never shown the what’s and how’s of working cover. I learned these skills by going to training and submitting my will to that of an instructor and listening then learning - then practicing. Working cover isn’t as easy as the proverbial “slicing the pie.” It’s a bit more complicated because there are varying degrees of exposure that you are going to be required to take to find the shot on the bad guy. The big question is, how much is too much? If you work cover properly, the threat has little chance to get a shot on you. Here are some basics to consider.

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  • Thank you for this video. I love both Bravo Concealment and the Tier 1 Citizen YouTube channel (especially the Ministry video. )
    Making life better for others is a true calling.
    God bless.

    Michael D Scheitlin Jul 23, 2017
  • great job, very informative. thanks

    george j clark Jul 01, 2017

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