How To Run Your IWB Torsion Gun Holster

From appendix carry to strong side carry to the 4-5 o’clock position carry. Running a single belt clip or the standard dual belt clip AND linked to the single mag pouch. In this video we will be taking the Torsion gun holster for a spin on how you can carry it.

The Torsion gun holster is based off the DOS (drop out of sight) holster that was launched over 9 years ago. It’s been serving everyday civilians and the law enforcement community from plain clothes officers to FBI agents for almost a decade.

4 years ago we added our patented “Torsion Technology” which is integrated into the holster and allows the gun to sit in the holster at an inward angle allowing for better concealment.

I like to run my Torsion gun holster with the single belt clip configuration. I’ve been running it this way ever since the first DOS was released. I’ve never had any issues running one belt clip. I like it because it allows me to move the holster “on the fly” This helps when I’m carrying appendix and I need to nudge the holster over for more comfort as I sit down.

As you all may know, I have no issues with having to adjust your gun and holster “on the fly” I know many people say that you shouldn’t give away the fact that you are carrying concealed. Eh.. I simply don’t care too much. There’s a video where I talk about open carry. Check it out.

You can also run it with the standard set up which includes 2 belt clips or dual belt clip configuration. This is a great way to keep your holster in place very consistently. This works well for when you are practicing your draw. You will need to draw and re-holster your gun many times. Again, this keeps your holster in place.

You may say, “well what good is running single belt clip config especially when re-holstering if the holster may shift on you?” We’ll in a real life situation you won’t be drawing and re-holstering your gun many times. If you ever need to draw your gun you will be drawing it once and then hopefully reholstering it.

Now this brings us to an interesting point. Take the time to look down when re-holstering. This goes whether you are at the range or in a real life situation. There are a couple of things that can go wrong when re-holstering and you need eyes on it.

Many jackets run draw strings that can make their way into the holster causing obstruction and making it difficult to re-holster your weapon or even worse, getting into the trigger area of your gun causing a negligent discharge. Clothing like your button shirt or regular t-shirt can also cause this.

In a real-life situation or even at the range, your stress levels go up and you may get a rush of adrenaline. When this happens fine motor skills are out the window. Now re-holstering your gun is not really considered a “fine motor skill” but non the less, you need to take your time especially when you are all amped up and be safe when putting your gun in your holster making sure there are no obstructions in the way.

The last thing you want is to be so hyped up that you make a small mistake while re-holstering and end up again, with a negligent discharge.

So take a quick moment and look down to re-holster. If you’re re-holstering, that means that the threat to yourself and those close around you is generally over so take the time and be safe.

You can also adjust the ride height on the holster for proper fit on your belt line when running the dual belt clip config. Many people like a good perch on the grip of the gun so you would drop the belt clips and make it run higher. Some like the holster to ride deep so you can raise the belt clips for a lower ride.

You can also cant the holster forward for better concealment. Or if you are running the holster at around the 4-5 o’clock position. Again, if you are running single belt clip config then this doesn’t apply.

Contrary too many beliefs, the Torsion Gun Holster was never an appendix only holster. It was designed to be used all around your waistline. Other than maybe your six. You can wear it pretty much anywhere and it will serve you well.

I like to run my Torsion appendix for the most part. If I know I will be standing and walking around a lot then I go appendix. If I will be sitting down for log periods of time then I go 4-5 o’clock position. I rarely run it strong side. I feel that this area is where there is least amount of flat area on your waist line. I just find it easier to conceal behind the strong side over the back pocket of my pants or agin, appendix.

This is just me though. I’m not the end all know it all. By no means. I’m just sharing what works for me which may work for you as well. Or it may not. At the end, it’s on you where and how you wanna run the Torsion gun holster.

As you know, our 3.0 holsters offer a retention screw. This allows you to set your desired retention on your OWB and IWB holsters. Now because of this I get DMs asking me what kind of retention I run on my Torsion holster. I really don’t like too much retention. I want to be able to draw my gun without giving myself a pant wedgie.

And because I run the single belt clip configuration, I’m careful in not putting too much retention and damage the belt clip. Anytime you have a long stem belt clip and you put a kung fu grip type retention on your IWB holster, you’re gonna get some kind of reaction to that long clip and it’s not gonna be good.

Side Note: What is the proper retention for an IWB holster? Well, the best way to measure the proper retention of an inside the waistband holster is the shake it upside down violently. If it holds, you are golden.

Actually, the whole “shake it upside down” theory isn’t a good way to measure proper retention for your IWB, everyday carry holster.

Unless you want to give yourself a pant wedgie, there really isn’t much reason to have massive retention on your IWB holster. Now, does this mean that there shouldn’t be any retention on the holster? Of course not. There should be enough retention to keep your gun in your holster while doing everyday, semi active tasks or duties.

Now, if you are going to be very active while concealed carrying then maybe you should consider a level II type retention holster or a holster with a retention strap. But most civilians who carry go out and about with no intentions of having to fight off a bear.

I get it though, you never know when you’ll find yourself having to wrestle off 2 bad guys with no backup. There’s a thing called weapon retention or firearms retention classes and courses that you can take. Whether you carry IWB, OWB or open carry, these classes are a good idea.

But again, for the most part, most people carry in very controlled environments where you won’t find yourself having to scale a building or tumble 40 yards down a hill. And it’s because of this that you don’t need massive retention on your holster.

This is simply my opinion. Please use the proper retention you feel necessary on your everyday carry gun and holster. Only you know your surroundings and what you may encounter. Please use good judgment when carrying your gun.

One thing people started doing is linking up the Torsion Gun Holster to our single mag pouches. These things started popping up on social media. I remember making my own and thinking, “yeah, this isn’t bad at all” eureka!

Quick note: The Torsion Gun Holster and Magazine pouch were NOT designed with this in mind but, it works fairly well. Many people have started doing this. We had to make a video showing how to link them together because people were calling the office asking for instructions. It’s right here if you wanna watch it.

I carry my Glock 43 LINKed and I love it! It feels very comfortable because it’s a micro compact making it super easy to carry and very comfortable.

Eventually we will make a magazine pouch designed specifically for the LINKed version which will have a smaller footprint making this LINKed set-up simply amazing. So keep an eye out for that.

Rene Aguirre

Rene Aguirre is the founder and owner of Bravo Concealment. Rene has been carrying concealed on a daily basis for over 8 years and has been a CHL (concealed handgun license) holder for more than 20 years. Finding a high interest in firearms for many years, Rene started Bravo because of the “lack of” a good concealed carry holster.

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