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Customer Service and Bravo Concealment

I sit down with Dorcie, our customer service and office manager. We talk about how important Bravo Concealment's customer service is. We dive deep into what makes us who we are, and how to deal with super difficult customers. Its got great content, hope you enjoy!


Rene Aguirre

Rene Aguirre is the founder and owner of Bravo Concealment. Rene has been carrying concealed on a daily basis for over 8 years and has been a CHL (concealed handgun license) holder for more than 20 years. Finding a high interest in firearms for many years, Rene started Bravo because of the “lack of” a good concealed carry holster on the market.

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  • Hello thank you for the replacement Clips to my holster there’s one situation they do not fit I need clips for in the waistband for a Sig Sauer p365 it’s a inch and a half belt loop mine broke but you did send me to and if you’d like me to send them back let me know and I’ll do that

    BRENT A YOUNG Apr 08, 2021
  • Hello thank you for the replacement Clips to my holster there’s one situation they do not fit I need clips for in the waistband for a Sig Sauer p365 it’s a inch and a half belt loop mine broke but you did send me to and if you’d like me to send them back let me know and I’ll do that

    BRENT A YOUNG Apr 08, 2021
  • Contact someone from your site two weeks ago about holsters I purchased . They had me send pictures through email. Said someone would contact me in two dats. Had heard from no one two weeks later

    Dan ziegelmeyer Jun 02, 2020
  • Can a order be changed.I placed an order earlier order #300811
    I had the second holster for a Sig 365 iwb and I was meaning to have it for a Smith+Wesson shield 9mm(not a 2.0) instead.I had purchased the sig iwb the other day and do not need two.Please let me know if this can be changed ,thanks

    jason a gossett May 20, 2020
  • I took advantage of the buy one get one offer last month. I have a Glock 23 and a Glock 44
    I also have a Glock 20. My issue is when the holsters were delivered they were identical. They fit multiple Glocks. They fit the G23, G19, and G32, my issue is that you had a separate holster selection for the Glock 44 and I choose that holster as my BOGO. I think it was unfair that obviously you knew that the G23 holster would fit the G44 but put it in another category. So now I have two identical 5 O’clock carry holsters and I am not likely to carry two pistols at the 5 O’Clock position at the same time. I just ask that you allow me to choose another holster for one of my many handguns in lieu of this conflict. I have Sig Sauer, Beretta, and S&W pistols that I would have chosen in the BOGO offer. I hope you see and understand my point, I will be happy to send you back the extra holster. I have been a longtime customer of Bravo and I hope you will make this right,

    John Orr May 13, 2020

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