Torsion Holster - Now Available!

The Iconic Inside the WaistBand (IWB) Drop Out of Sight (DOS) gun holster is now better than ever! Our breakthrough Torsion Technology allows the gun holster to conceal your handgun better than any competitor's holsters. This is done by integrating a 10 degree inward angle into the gun holster allowing your handgun to ride closer to your body.


Hey guys, Abner Miranda here. I got a particular treat to show you today. Bravo Concealment at SHOT SHOW released, actually just before SHOT SHOW, released a brand-new holster called the Torsion. For those of you who have not heard about this, first of all, you need to get out from underneath the rock where you’re living, because if you’re in the EDC Community you should know about the torsion. This is a holster that is a long time in coming. Let me put it to you this way, the torsion holster is one of those “duh” holsters… one of those “duh” products because when you try it you’re like “oh man, this is so great” but you know, you wonder why society went so long without it. For those of you who don’t know, I’m a lefty. The Torsion holster is only available for righties so sorry for those of you lefties. And no I don’t have a lefty Torsion, because this actually requires CNC plates that… the holster’s vacuum molded over CNC machine plates. And CNC work is not cheap. But the guys at Bravo Concealment sent me a torsion holster and it’s in right hand, and I still love this thing.

You know, you probably can’t really tell; I mean here is the standard, here’s the standard Drop Out of Sight. I can tell. The standard Drop Out of Sight holster tends to want to allow your handgun to just be straight across your body. The Torsion holster allows the handgun to, instead of going from a straight position, it angles it in 10 degrees against your body. And I can feel it right here, it’s where it becomes an issue. Because gone are the printing issues that you used to get with your grip wanting to kind of weighing out from underneath your shirt, ever so slightly. It really is erased with the torsion holster. And the way that this thing works is, I mean it’s such a simple idea. When you try it, you’re going to wonder man why hasn’t somebody done this before.

Alright, when you look at the torsion holster; it looks like any appendix carry rig, any Drop Out of Sight rig that Bravo Concealment makes. Here is where it gets interesting. Did you notice that. See the angle? Generally speaking, your angle should be straight here, which means this body should be straight across like on my standard Drop Out of Sight holster. Now you can see it, can’t you? The belt loops are straight here. The body is straight on. On the torsion holster your angle, the belt run through here but the angle of the holster is canted 10 degrees. And You would not think this makes as big a difference as it does, but this makes like I said, huge difference… guys this makes a big difference. The comfort level of wearing this just goes through the roof. Also, the confidence level, and at a certain level, this is more about confidence than it is about comfort. Carrying a firearm in today’s anti-gun politically charged environment, can be at the least an inconvenience, at the worst it can be deadly to you. If you deal with the wrong person who just has a real hang-up issue with guns. The point is the confidence that you get in having a holster that allows you to conceal your handgun so beautifully against your body that it disappears, is really worth the effort to get. And the beauty of this is that if you are watching this video it means that it is February 1st and guess what, the Torsion holster is now available. And you will absolutely dig what this holster does for deep concealment.

As always I thank you guys for watching. God bless you all. Get those guns out and practice.


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  • It really is a shame that holster companies rarely manufacture left handed holsters. I really wanted to try this product. But you do not have any of the ones i want in left hand configuration.

    nick Nov 22, 2017
  • For XDs 3.3" PLEASE!!!

    Pat Apr 23, 2017
  • Why no left hand holsters?

    Dennis Green Mar 26, 2017
  • Is this holster going to be available for other brands like the xds?

    Patrick Fulton Mar 16, 2017
  • Awesome Video on your new Holster and wish you the best. Again we Left handed people are left out in the Cold. Just like 50 years ago in the Golf Clubs World we had very little models to buy. Not Mad at you BRAVO just the way of life BUT give me more time in Training on my Hand Gun before I get my Carry Permit . Bravo I will be in line to buy this awesome holster when they come out. (SPRINGFIELD XD 4" 9mm). I want to thank you guy’s for the videos that show TEAM Bravo Holster is # 1 PS. I understand the cost on DIE building. thanks Greg

    Greg Hirzel Feb 04, 2017

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