How NOT To Sell To The Market - Mother Nature Laughs Last

Many people put their interest in front o fetch markets interest. This is a BIG mistake because the Market doesn't care about your interest. The market only cares about what they want. The market can be ruthless. Just like the saying, "Mother Nature laughs last", so does the market. Learn what the market wants and give it to them. Enjoy



The market doesn't care. If you don't have a good product, the market is not going to buy it from you. The market wants something. If you don't have it for them, they're going to go somewhere else. The market is brutal. The market can take you and make you, and the market can break you, just like that. It's that simple, guys. Mother Nature always laughs last.

Guys, thank you for joining "The Bravo Audio Show." My name is Rene Aguirre. I'm the owner of Bravo Concealment. You guys know who I am. We're almost on our 50th podcast show, and I have nobody else to thank but you guys. You guys are doing awesome. Thank you for sharing it, for liking it, for going out there and five-starring it. Guys, it means the world to me. Thank you so much. That's me pumping my chest here.

Today, I want to talk about Mother Nature and how beautiful she can be, but also how harsh she can be as well. We live in South Texas. We don't have any blizzards down here or anything like that, but people that live up north, you guys know how harsh Mother Nature can be. Mother Nature always laughs last, and it's so true, guys. And it's like that not only in life but in business as well. Business as well, guys. When you're out there in business, you got to make sure that you know what you're doing. No one's going to care. The market doesn't care. The market represents Mother Nature in that sense where, you know, the market doesn't care. If you don't have a good product, the market is not going to buy it from you.

So, you got to make sure that you have a good product. You got to make sure that you're out there and that you're branding it. You got to make sure that your ROI is there. You got to make sure that your cost of goods is there. You to go to make sure that, you know, your numbers are correct, your P&L reports are there. You need to break them down. Google ads, your Facebook ads, whatever it is that you're doing on YouTube, on Twitter, you know, on Instagram, make sure that all that is being looked at if you want to take your brand and take it to the next level. You have to do that. You have to do that because guess what? The market doesn't care.

Now, a lot of people spend too much time and emphasize too much on certain things that, again, the market doesn't care about like a name. And, again, a name is important, you have to. But look, Bravo Concealment, that name came up in about two seconds. We didn't sit there and we didn't think about it. There's a tie to it and if you go to our YouTube page, you'll see the video where there's an interview where my video editor is interviewing me, and I talk about Bravo Concealment and where the name came from. And there's a good tie to it, but it was just quick and simple and easy and fast.

The logo, same way. A lot of people love our logo, think it's a cool logo, but it just came from one day to the next. It, you know, we didn't sit there and spend 5, 10, 15, 20, you know, 100 hours, you know, 2, 5, 7 months, whatever, a whole year to come up with a logo. We just went out there and we did it because guess what? At the end of the day, the market doesn't really care about the logo. Mother Nature doesn't care.

What you want to do is, you want to be the best at it. You've got to prepare yourself. Just like in a blizzard, you got to prepare yourself, or in South Texas, with the heat, you have to prepare yourself because Mother Nature doesn't care. The market doesn't care. The market wants something. If you don't have it for them, they're going to go somewhere else. And a lot of people sit and they're like, "Man, why can't I sell anything?" Because maybe the market doesn't care about it. If you want to sell classes on, you know, how to paint ladybugs, but only ladybugs... "But, I want to paint a caterpillar." "No, this is a class for ladybugs and that's it." Guess what? You're not going to get a lot of people that are going to sign up on that class.

Make sure that what you're trying to sell is what the market wants because, again, the market is brutal. The market can take you and make you, and the market can break you, just like that. Well, maybe not just like that, right, because markets shift, but they shift at a slow pace. But, with technology nowadays, they're shifting pretty fast. I mean, look, Walmart, big company, the biggest company probably out there, right? I mean, right now, to this day, it's making $380-something billion a year. You know, that's gross revenue. That's huge, but they were in trouble for a while when it came to e-commerce, right, because Amazon came and they started taking sales from Walmart. I mean, they've since gone and changed it up, and Walmart is doing great.

You know, one of the richest companies right now is Amazon. That's what I mean. The market is going to speak, and if the market wants to buy on e-commerce, try to sell on e-commerce if that's what it is. Now, let me say this. Brick-and-mortar is still alive. There's more sales going on in brick-and-mortar than e-commerce. That's a fact. But, again, I can't tell the future, so I don't know what the future holds.

But, guys, go out there, study the market, make sure that you can forecast it, you can foresee it, just like a weather storm, just like Mother Nature, and make sure where it's going, so that way you can just prepare for it. It's that simple, guys. Mother Nature always laughs last. You know, Mother Nature doesn't care if you're wearing sandals with some Bermuda shorts and a tank top in Canada in the middle of winter. She doesn't care. Same thing in business, you need to be smart, you need to know what you're doing.

Just a quick rant. I wanted to share that with you guys because I was reading some comments on social media where people were talking about why their businesses aren't working well and, you know, a lot of it has to do because of what they're trying to sell, and because they're not preparing for the market, the beast that is the market.

Hope you get something out of this. Thanks for listening. It means the world to me. Guys, go follow us on Facebook and on Instagram under Bravo Concealment, Snapchat, and Twitter under Bravo Holsters. Go check out our YouTube page. We're constantly putting videos like this up on a daily basis. Go check it out.

Go check out bravoconcealment.com. You want an inside-the-waistband gun holster, we've got the Trojan, the best-concealment carry gun holster out there and it's comfortable as well. Go and check it out at bravoconcealment.com. And if you want an outside-the-waistband, the BCA, very comfortable, guys, super-comfortable. Go check it out. You've got a 30-day test-drive on it. If you don't like it, send it back for a full refund. It doesn't matter why you don't like it. You don't even have to clean it. Go take it out to the range, scratch it up, whatever it is you want to do with it. If you don't like it, send it back to us for a full refund. Go check it out at bravoconcealment.com.

And while you're there, make sure you subscribe to our newsletter. We're constantly sending out newsletters, emails, almost every day. Go check it out. Great deals going on at Bravo Concealment all the time. You don't have to wait for President's Day. You don't have to wait for Fourth of July or anything like that, Independence Day. Go check it out, become a subscriber. The link is at the bottom of the page.

And go check out our new Facebook page for this podcast. It's called "The Bravo Audio Show" Facebook page. I mentioned it. And go check out our Facebook page for "The Bravo Audio Show." It's called "The Bravo Audio Show." Facebook. Go search it, you'll find it. Go make sure that you follow us. Turn on your notifications. Go and like our stuff out there. We're going to be putting up content every single day, guys. Don't miss it. It's going to be great. Whatever it is that we do for the podcast, even our daily blogs and stuff like that, they'll be going on there as well. Go check it out, "The Bravo Audio Show" Facebook page. And, again, go check out our Facebook page, "Bravo Concealment."

Guys, thank you for your time. It means the world to me. I will talk to you guys soon.
Rene Aguirre
Rene Aguirre is the founder and owner of Bravo Concealment. Rene has been carrying concealed on a daily basis for over 8 years and has been a CHL (concealed handgun license) holder for more than 20 years. Finding a high interest in firearms for many years, Rene started Bravo because of the “lack of” a good concealed carry holster on the market.


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