There are many opinions on “open carry” Many opinions are very conclusive and are dead set in their thoughts about it. Three are even some people that refer to name calling when it comes to describing a person who open carries.
My opinion is just that, my opinion. I don’t revert to name calling or am I heavily set on certain thoughts of open carry. I speak my mind as I hope to learn more about this subject. I hope what I say in this video brings some food for thought. Enjoy.
Rene Aguirre is the founder and owner of Bravo Concealment. Rene has been carrying concealed on a daily basis for over 8 years and has been a CHL (concealed handgun license) holder for more than 20 years. Finding a high interest in firearms for many years, Rene started Bravo because of the “lack of” a good concealed carry holster on the market.
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The only time I opened carry was when working as a security enforcement officer and was checking my people out. I think that like Rene stated ,it is a mix concept. Can it deter someone.But at the same time if you have where a person is going to just start shooting, guess what you are more then likely the first person he is going to shoot at. Like I advised to a bank manager who thought he was the biggest threat to a bank robber. I told him, no I was. I am in full security uniform, armed and the first threat in stopping him. So you need to choose open or conceled depending on what you are doing.
I used to open carry in CA until they outlawed it. Since then it’s been concealed carry unless hunting. Here in Michigan where I retired open carry is lawful. However, since this is a shall issue state I continue to carry concealed and agree with the former LEOs that open carry eliminates your tactical advantage. In the rural county where I live I’ve yet to see anyone open carrying. I believe it would only intimidate the general public and discourage others from doing so unless they have no other options.
I have to agree with Augie M. there’s a place for open carry with camping, hunting and fishing (living in Texas, Colorado on a farm or ranch with lots of property, etc), but in the urban and suburban environments I think it’s bad news, very bad news. I’m a current LEO in St. Louis and the bad guys now a days are insane, nuts, absolutely crazy with no fear. They could care less if you are a police officer, let alone a private citizen, and they will shoot and kill you on the spot. Walking around with a gun on your hip automatically puts a target on your back, police officers don’t have a choice, private citizens do. It’s silly to walk around with a gun on your hip, just so you can let everyone know you have a gun, acting like a big shot. It takes away all of your tactical advantage, your element of surprise, quite possibly the one or two seconds you need to get the drop on the bad guy when he thinks he is taking “candy from a baby” and he’s going to pull a gun on you and demand your keys, phone and wallet. Rene and everyone else are too nice and politically correct to say it but I’m not, you’re an idiot in my opinion to walk around with a gun on your hip when you aren’t active law enforcement. You are just showing off. It’s a good way to get yourself killed.