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Bravo Concealment Blog

Snapchat Live Testimonials
June 1, 2017

Snapchat Live Testimonials

Bravo Concealment's very own CEO will share his EDC gear, insights, philosophy, and many other tidbits that drive Bravo Concealment to be the best. Here are a few of the responses we get on a daily basis from our most valuable source of information, you, our customers. From everyone here at Bravo Concealment Thank you!

Darkness - A Form of Tactical Concealment
May 15, 2017

Darkness - A Form of Tactical Concealment

First of, let’s understand concealment. In simple tactical terms it means being hidden from the enemy. Concealment is different than cover, which is being shielded from gun fire.  When operating in the dark we are naturally concealed, unless someone has night vision.

Train Like You Carry
May 15, 2017

Train Like You Carry

One of the facets of training, of training like you lived setting yourself up for success is making sure that whenever possible you have an identical set of everything. I carry two 21 rounders from Magpul and a 15 rounders standard Glock OEM mag for my 19 all loaded up with hollow-point.

How Your Holster Is Made
May 5, 2017

How Your Holster Is Made

We're making holsters like this so we can ensure accuracy, we can ensure consistency, we can ensure durability, and pass on the savings to you our customer.

Get In Already - Daily Vehicle Training
May 5, 2017

Get In Already - Daily Vehicle Training

This is in response to a lot of the vehicle training that I've been doing in recent years. That opened my eyes to trying to find a way to distill the motions that I was doing to get into the vehicle in a very consistent manner so that I was no longer having to think about the procedure.

Relaxed Vigilance
April 14, 2017

Relaxed Vigilance

When you carry concealed, there is a lot of focus on "um well my firearm prints." Guys printing is not that big a deal. Unless people are like walking around eyeballing everybody. You know trying to figure our who is carrying a gun. Guys society doesn't do that.

Disguising Your EDC Gun
April 6, 2017

Disguising Your EDC Gun

We’ve all done it. Asked our loved one; “can you see my gun?”. When we start carrying our gun daily for the first time, we tend to be very cautious of how much our gun prints (shows outline of gun through the shirt).

About The DOS Torsion
March 31, 2017

About The DOS Torsion

  This is like no other holster you have ever seen. The integrated 10 degree inward cant is built into the holster itself, hence the word “integrated”. This allows for the grip of the gun to rest closer to the body for the maximum concealment of your handgun. 

Dynamic Training With Instructor Zero
March 31, 2017

Dynamic Training With Instructor Zero

But its very useful to train the transition between the stand up position and ground position. Very good drill for fitness, for aiming, for trigger. To set the finger with the upper and lower body during a dynamic action. Very very useful.

Flying With Firearms
March 31, 2017

Flying With Firearms

There is great power in asking for a supervisor, in a controlled voice, and standing your ground. There is even greater power in handing your tablet to said supervisor and asking them to read the regulations from their own website.

Fiber Optic Sights: How Tough Are They?
March 15, 2017

Fiber Optic Sights: How Tough Are They?

People think that fiber optic sights are fragile, I got news for you fiber optic sights are not fragile. Alright, watch.

DOS Torsion featured in NRA Gun Gear of the Week
March 15, 2017

DOS Torsion featured in NRA Gun Gear of the Week

This is a new upgrade to their DOS, Drop Out of Sight line, and it contours the entire holster to fit more closely to the body.

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